
"I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He hath clothed me with the garments of SALVATION, He hath covered me with the garments of RIGHTEOUSNESS, as bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with jewels. For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the GARDEN causeth the things that are sown in it to SPRING FORTH, so the Lord GOD will cause RIGHTEOUSNESS and PRAISE to spring forth before ALL NATIONS."

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Of Caves and Yokels

Since I am faced with the depressing reality that my old blog is gone forever and everything I ever wrote on it is lost in cyberspace as well, I do have the exhilarating ambition to do this blog "differently." I suppose when I say differently I mean - more honest. Social websites are the perfect place to put on a mask and hide behind words. It is easy to fall into the trap. Not that my day to day life is exactly - effervescent with interest. Still, there are exciting things to find in this town and secrets to uncover. And what better place to expose secrets then on the internet, right?

I like secrets.

Well, I like discovering secrets. Other people's secrets. Yes, I am nosy. But dead people don't care, right?

OK, I will explain my cryptic post. Ever since I returned from my recent trip to Haiti, I have gotten a renewed sense of belonging here in my hometown. It was almost as if I always got pulled back and ended up here in this funny little town, full of interesting people, rich history and it's own very definite and distinctive culture. So, I decided to settle down mentally for a while and see what happens. When I told God that, I was referring to starting relationships with people, finding more opportunities witnessing for Him, helping build up our family business etc...What I did not expect was to be dragged into a historic mystery spurred on by local legend and my own morbid curiosity.

Have you ever been in a cave? I haven't, but I am going to. Not one that is already found and is open to the public - that is far too boring. I am going to find it first. Behind old cemeteries and historic statues are perfect places for secret tunnel entrances and I am also going to get to the bottom of the mystery on why it was sealed up in the first place and forgotten about. (And how do cave owners end up getting kidnapped in South America?) And - if my original hunch was right, and the information I have received from a "local yokel",there is a big, missing "track" of the Underground Railroad, right underneath our dinky little town. So, it doesn't surprise me when I saw the paragraph about the K.K.K. in that 1922 newspaper article in the library archives.

Yeah, you're interested now - aren't you? Well, when I find out more, and put together more hunches,  I will be sure to write about it.

I can't disappoint my large audience, now can I?

1 comment:

ccox said...

They are going to turn in their graves....