
"I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He hath clothed me with the garments of SALVATION, He hath covered me with the garments of RIGHTEOUSNESS, as bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with jewels. For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the GARDEN causeth the things that are sown in it to SPRING FORTH, so the Lord GOD will cause RIGHTEOUSNESS and PRAISE to spring forth before ALL NATIONS."

Friday, December 10, 2010


Things that make me happy:

- The beautiful moon we have had the past several nights.

- Busy, busy lunch rushes

- The perfect shade of lipstick

- Children singing Christmas songs

- My younger sister Anna, playing her original composition on the piano

- Hot coffee

- CLEP tests. (Well, the tests themselves don't make me happy, but the idea makes me happy. Especially Introductory Psychology....yuck)

- Cute kitties

- Christmas lights...(even though they are a pathetic waste of electricity...but, that's my Grinch-like alter-ego trying to get out...)

- A good night's sleep

- Warm fires

- Laughing

- Ibuprofen...



ccox said...

WHAT ABOUT ME????????????

Emily said...


I'm happy you got four blue ribbons at your piano thingy... ;)

ccox said...

ME too...