
"I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He hath clothed me with the garments of SALVATION, He hath covered me with the garments of RIGHTEOUSNESS, as bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with jewels. For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the GARDEN causeth the things that are sown in it to SPRING FORTH, so the Lord GOD will cause RIGHTEOUSNESS and PRAISE to spring forth before ALL NATIONS."

Monday, November 15, 2010

Start Running

Fifteen minutes to closing time, and I am sitting here in the restaurant, pondering the words of the gentleman who just left.

It was timely wisdom. Ever since my return from Haiti, I have been trying to decide what paths to take. How to prepare...where to go to school...what to do....I had my plans, but have felt strangely held back. "Is this right, God? Am I trying to do too much? Am I too ambitious?" I didn't know if it was wisdom holding me back, or my own lack of personal confidence - my tendency to always double guess myself.

Bill comes in often, about twice a week. He is delightfully eccentric and sometimes high maintenance. A classic example of a lonely old man, with too many stories to share. A lover of the Lord, he enjoys talking about God, politics and history.

We shared the tiny table in the dining room, while he ate his dinner and I finished up my Bible study - needing to answer all of the questions before tonight's meeting - sadly enough. I went back to the kitchen when I was finished. He sat reading the book he brought with him, and then rose up to leave.

"Thank you, miss." He said, with his customary little bow. "You have a great day!"

"Thank you!" I said, cheerfully. "You too!"

He paused then, before opening the door to exit. "Are you a straight A student?" he asked, suddenly and out of the blue. I smiled to myself, because I know I am often mistaken as being of high school age.

"Well," I replied, "I am out of high school and I haven't started college yet."

Bill nodded. "Well, can you take a word of advice, from a very old man?"

"I'd love it." I said with a smile.

"Start out running...

...and never stop."

I was surprised. I couldn't reply. He continued, "It's easier to to stay ahead of your class then it is to catch up. I earned my degree at forty-five, because it took me that long to finally learn that lesson."

"Thank you!" I breathed, "I will remember that, I have plans for next year."

"Well," he cut me off, "Your base is what you build on. So make the base strong."

Ten seconds later he was out the door and I was running hot water to wash dishes. With his words in my head I felt a strong confirmation that my decisions are the best, and no - I am not trying to do too much.

I want to hit the ground running.

On your mark...get set...



Anonymous said...

Patience is bitter but its fruit is delicious.

Kacie davis said...

Thanks Em, this has encouraged me this morning and inspired me to try and run faster ;)

Emily said...

Thanks, girl! Praise God! I miss you!! Eat some goat head for me..LOL!!!