
"I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He hath clothed me with the garments of SALVATION, He hath covered me with the garments of RIGHTEOUSNESS, as bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with jewels. For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the GARDEN causeth the things that are sown in it to SPRING FORTH, so the Lord GOD will cause RIGHTEOUSNESS and PRAISE to spring forth before ALL NATIONS."

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well, after keeping this article in my draft folder for over a week, it's difficult to see the point in saying "Happy New Year", a week in. Isn't it funny how quickly a new year loses it's "newness".

I love the song on this video. I heard it on the radio as my sister and I drove to a friend's house New Year's Eve. We were looking forward to spending the night full of fun and games. But as we drove through the darkness on the highway and passed through the city, this song came on the radio and it's message struck me in a new way. I looked out the window to hide my tears.

It was literally the last song we listened to on that radio, since that night my sister's car was targeted, and a midnight thief high on alcohol and who-knows-what-else, ripped the radio and CD player out of our car. Happy New Year.

I have made no attempt to hide my eagerness for 2010 to be over. I was glad to see it go; and was looking forward to seeing what 2011 would bring - hoping it would be better than 2010. That year started going down-hill for me twelve days into the new year. But, God got a hold of me and exposed the selfishness of my delight.

Because two days before the new year, a dear friend of ours was diagnosed with Stage One cancer. A young lady, who is still single and an example in her faith and love of the Lord. A friend, who has encouraged us,  in many ways. In fact, there are three books sitting on our bookshelf all about trusting God, that came to us from her.

The first week of December, I enjoyed reminiscing about my "surprise" trip to Haiti - already a year ago. But those good memories were shadowed when I heard from my friend who took me there, that Pastor Nene had been in a terrible accident, and was now struggling with recovery from severe brain damage. Pastor Nene, who good naturedly followed us all over Port-au-Prince and up into the mountains; who patiently waited for us while we played duck-duck-goose with the kids in the orphanage. Pastor Nene, who gladly translated for us, and was always available, even if that meant spending more time away from his family. Pastor Nene, who proudly introduced us to his beautiful family, and his joyful church. Pastor Nene, who translated for me in the prison, as I shared the message God laid on my heart to the women behind iron bars, and who helped me pray with them as they accepted salvation.

Then there's Betsey, my new friend who, along with her husband, had adopted two beautiful sisters from Haiti after the earthquake. They had been trying to adopt a third handicapped little girl, who had lived with them while in the States on her medical visa. Now that her mother has decided she can't provide and take care of her, they're trying to get her back. Only a few weeks before the new year, they discovered that the Embassy in Haiti has denied her a visa. Now what?

This list can go on and on...

While I may be looking forward to 2011 - what frightening depths of the unknown it holds for people close to me in Christ.

Depressing sounding, isn't it? That's not how I mean it. God,  in His great mercy, often delights in our impossibly despairing circumstances, in order to show us Who He is. It's a lesson for all of us in the body of Christ and it certainly has been for me. While these depressing circumstances are not happening to me personally, how can I do my duty and help bear the burdens in the church of Christ, if I am so concentrated on my own personal comfort, "I'm so happy 2010 is over!" Sin and it's affects follow us everywhere. Even into New Years. Sickness and disappointment are not unknown to Him, the Man of Sorrows.

So that's why that song meant so much to me. It was like everything was just made clear. No matter what resolutions I make for perfection, living in this sinful world will hurt and disappoint and mess up my plans. So my one resolution for this year, that I have no idea what happiness or maybe sorrow, it will bring for me or loved ones:

"Be strong in the LORD!"

And my prayer for those around me - whether I weep or rejoice with them:

"Be strong in the LORD!"

I'm still looking forward to this year...but not for myself. I'm just excited to see what God will do - in me, everywhere and all around me.

Happy New Year!

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